Saturday, February 11, 2012

Respiratory BEAUTY

There is a distinct difference between those who wear beauty and those who breathe it. 

 One way a girl can wear it is through makeup… this requires reapplication and fixation; it can be smeared, smudged, and will only last so long; it is not genuine. However, one can never breathe too much. It is a physical dance of the lungs achieved without thinking or trying.

In the opposite way genuine beauty is effortlessly thriving, artificial beauty is constantly striving.

God designed us as humans to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. In other words, we inhale life and exhale life back to other things such as plants… which in turn produce more oxygen to give back for us to breathe in.
God is the inventor of breathing. But He is also the CREATOR, author, and definition of BEAUTY.
If we are INHALING His beauty, we will naturally EXHALE that beauty to others around us. In the same way breathing is not a forced process, neither is being beautiful.

Just like the Carbon Dioxide we breathe out gives life to pretty pink flowers, so does the beauty we breathe out from our Creator. It has the power to GIVE LIFE and spread the beauty we've received.

If we never exhale that which we have inhaled, we will suffocate and die. Therefore, when we take in all of God’s goodness, truths, and wisdom (beauty), and keep it to ourselves, we too will suffocate in our selfishness.

Just like the natural flow of the respiratory cycle, so is the cycle of our beauty.

We take IN God’s love and grace through the senses of the body, and then must give it OUT from the senses of the heart.

So breathe in God’s grace, and exhale His goodness to all living things around you. The most beautiful people I have ever met are so beautiful because they are breathing in and out more than just oxygen; they aren’t holding their breath terrified of losing all the beauty they’ve experienced... they freely let it flow out of them.
All of us, especially as women, desire to be beautiful, and the best place to start is by going to the One who defined it and encompasses everything it is.

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